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Pet Stores and Pet Care

Knox County Animal Center - Knoxville and Knox County's animal shelter. Provide care for strays and owner surrender animals with a focus on adoptions, humane education, responsible pet ownership, and spay/neuter.
The Humane Society of the Tennessee Valley - Offering adoption services.

Concord Pet Grooming - nail trims, baths, teach grooming, scissor cuts, flea dips. No tranquilizers.

Four Winds Holistic Animal Services
- Provide holistic health services for dogs and cats. Treatment areas include chiropractic, homeopathy, Reiki (by a Reiki Master), herbology, and nutrition.

Meadowbrooke and Godiva Kennels - Offering boarding, grooming, and training services.

Pet Safe Village - Offering pet grooming, dog training, dog and cat accommodations.


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